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March 29


7 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About Marco Blaauw


When it comes to the world of music, Marco Blaauw is a name that cannot be overlooked. Marco is a talented trumpet player who has made significant contributions to the world of contemporary classical composition. He has worked with a variety of composers and performers to create innovative and thought-provoking performances that have left audiences in awe. In this blog post, we will explore seven mind-blowing facts about Marco Blaauw and his work that will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of his contributions to the world of music.

Section 1: Marco Blaauw’s Early Life

Marco Blaauw was born on February 19, 1965, in Vriezenveen, Netherlands. His father was a musician, and Marco grew up surrounded by music. He started playing the trumpet at the age of 9, and by the time he was 18, he decided to pursue music as a career. He went on to study at the Amsterdam Conservatory and the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam.

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Section 2: Marco Blaauw’s Innovative Work

One of the most distinctive features of Marco Blaauw’s work is his use of microtonal music. This style of music involves dividing the octave into smaller intervals than the traditional Western 12-note scale. Marco has worked with composers such as Georg Friedrich Haas and Tristan Murail to explore microtonal music and push the boundaries of what is possible on the trumpet.

Section 3: Collaborations with Ensembles and Orchestras

Marco Blaauw has worked with several ensembles and orchestras throughout his career. He has been a member of the renowned Ensemble MusikFabrik since 1997 and has also performed with the Asko/Schönberg Ensemble, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, and many others. His performances with these groups have contributed significantly to the development of contemporary classical music.

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Section 4: Marco Blaauw’s Commissioned Works

Marco Blaauw has commissioned and premiered numerous works by composers such as Rebecca Saunders, Klaus Lang, and Olga Neuwirth. These works have challenged traditional notions of music and inspired new forms of creativity both in the world of classical music and beyond.

Section 5: Awards and Recognition

Marco Blaauw’s contributions to the world of music have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and recognition for his work, including the Eduard van Beinum Prize, the Hindemith Prize, and the Kunstpreis Berlin Award.

Section 6: Innovative Use of Technology

Marco Blaauw has also work-ed with technology to create innovative performances. He has developed new playing techniques and collaborated with scientists to develop electronic instruments and devices that expand the possibilities of traditional acoustic instruments.

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Section 7: Marco Blaauw’s Teaching Career

Marco Blaauw has also been an influential teacher. He has taught at several conservatories, including the Amsterdam Conservatory, the Rotterdam Conservatory, and the Hochschule für Musik Detmold in Germany. His teaching has influenced many young musicians, and his passion for music has inspired countless individuals to pursue their own creative paths.


1. What is microtonal music, and how does Marco Blaauw use it in his work?
Microtonal music is a style of music that involves dividing the octave into smaller intervals than the traditional Western 12-note scale. Marco Blaauw has used microtonal music extensively in his work and has collaborated with composers to explore its possibilities.

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2. What ensembles and orchestras has Marco Blaauw worked with?
Marco Blaauw has worked with several ensembles and orchestras throughout his career, including the Ensemble MusikFabrik, Asko/Schönberg Ensemble, and Amsterdam Sinfonietta.

3. What is Marco Blaauw’s teaching career like?
Marco Blaauw has been an influential teacher, having taught at several conservatories, including the Amsterdam Conservatory, the Rotterdam Conservatory, and the Hochschule für Musik Detmold in Germany.

4. What awards has Marco Blaauw won?
Marco Blaauw has won several awards for his contributions to music, including the Eduard van Beinum Prize, the Hindemith Prize, and the Kunstpreis Berlin Award.

5. What is the innovative use of technology in Marco Blaauw’s work?
Marco Blaauw has collaborated with scientists to create electronic instruments and develop new playing techniques that expand the possibilities of traditional acoustic instruments.

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6. What composers has Marco Blaauw worked with?
Marco Blaauw has worked with several composers over the course of his career, including Georg Friedrich Haas, Tristan Murail, Klaus Lang, and Olga Neuwirth.

7. How has Marco Blaauw contributed to the world of music?
Marco Blaauw’s innovative work with microtonal music, his collaborations with ensembles and orchestras, his commissioned works, his use of technology, and his teaching career all contribute to his significant contributions to the world of music.


Marco Blaauw is a musician who has made significant contributions to contemporary classical music. From his innovative use of microtonal music to his collaborations with ensembles and orchestras, Marco Blaauw’s work continues to inspire and challenge traditional notions of music. His passion for music, dedication to craftsmanship and innovation, have earned him numerous awards and recognition. Whether you are a music enthusiast, a musician, or someone who is simply interested in creativity and innovation, exploring the work of Marco Blaauw is sure to be a mind-blowing experience.

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