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March 19


“The Top 10 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Bill Gates”


When we talk about technology and innovation, the name “Bill Gates” is impossible to overlook. He is not only the co-founder of world’s largest software company, Microsoft, but also one of the most prominent philanthropists in modern history. However, there are many fascinating facts you may not know about this tech tycoon beyond his success at Microsoft. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 surprising facts you didn’t know about Bill Gates.

1. Bill Gates isn’t an only child

While Bill Gates is a household name, what’s less known is that he has two younger sisters, Kristi and Libby. Kristi is a successful business woman like her brother, while Libby is a well-known American professional equestrian.

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2. Bill Gates wasn’t a straight-A student

Bill Gates has always been a curious learner, but surprisingly, he didn’t excel in school as you might expect. During his high school years, he was known to be a troublemaker and spent more time in the principal’s office than in class. At college, he dropped out after only two years to form Microsoft, which turned out to be the right decision in retrospect.

3. Bill Gates once built a machine to measure traffic in and out of his high school

Bill Gates has been fascinated with technology since an early age. At the age of 17, he built a device using an Intel 8008 chip that could measure the flow of traffic in and out of his high school. He even sold the technology to the city of Seattle for $20,000.

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4. Bill Gates was once arrested for speeding

In 1977, Bill Gates was pulled over in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for driving without a license and speeding. He was booked into jail and later released on bail. This incident inspired him to focus more on philanthropy and give back to society.

5. Bill Gates loves hamburgers

Despite being a billionaire, Bill Gates has surprisingly simple taste when it comes to food. He loves hamburgers, and once even said, “I love McDonald’s hamburgers – they’re definitely better than Wendy’s.”

6. Bill Gates is an avid reader

Bill Gates is widely known for his love of books, and he is known to read about 50 books per year. He even recommends books to his followers through his blog, Gates Notes. Some of his favorite reads include “The Rosie Project” by Graeme Simsion, and “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari.

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7. Bill Gates has donated more than $50 billion to charity

Bill Gates has been involved in charity work for years and has donated huge sums of money to various causes. In 2000, he and his wife Melinda founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is known to be the largest private charitable foundation in the world. As of 2021, the foundation has donated over $50 billion to philanthropic causes.

8. Bill Gates is a James Bond fan

One of the surprising facts is that Bill Gates is a James Bond fan. In the late 1990s, he even invested $21 million to become the first private citizen to buy a Leonardo da Vinci manuscript that includes his sketches for a parachute and an armored tank. He cited the inspiration for the purchase to James Bond’s gadgets.

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Q1. What is Bill Gates’ net worth?
A1. As of 2021, Bill Gates’ net worth is estimated to be around $130 billion.

Q2. Is Bill Gates still involved with Microsoft?
A2. No, Bill Gates left his day-to-day involvement with Microsoft in 2008. However, he remains a technology advisor and major shareholder in the company.

Q3. What is Bill Gates’ educational background?
A3. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard University after two years to start Microsoft.

Q4. What inspired Bill Gates to become an entrepreneur?
A4. His love for computers and technology inspired him to start a software company that changed the way the world uses computers.

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Q5. What charities does Bill Gates support?
A5. Bill Gates supports various philanthropic causes, including global health, education, and disaster relief. He has also pledged to donate the majority of his net worth to charity.

Q6. Is Bill Gates married?
A6. Yes, Bill Gates married Melinda French in 1994. However, as of 2021, they have announced their intention to divorce after 27 years of marriage.

Q7. What is Bill Gates’ favorite hobby?
A7. Bill Gates is an avid bridge player and enjoys playing the game with his family and friends.


In a nutshell, Bill Gates is more than just a tech mogul and philanthropist. He has a fascinating persona that extends beyond his business and charity work. From his penchant for hamburgers to his love for James Bond, there are many intriguing facts about this visionary leader. What surprised you the most from our list? Let us know in the comments below!

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